Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Still a Bad Girl - The Response Letter to the Dr. Phil Show

Still a Bad Girl!

At first sight, you may notice that I am beautiful and think that I am sweet. This is true. However, I do have another side of me that bites. The bites are as venomous as a King Cobra.
I repeatedly misbehave and my domineering personality dominates my relationships. Oftentimes, I have been called hostile, spiteful, hateful and other nasty things. I think those who try to characterize my personality miss the mark all too often. I am much more than just hostile and spiteful. Please! Malevolent is more like it.
Life is mine to enjoy, even if it is at the expense of those around me. I know what I want and I know how to get it. If you don’t like it, well that’s just too bad; Get used to it! I’m not stopping or moving aside for anyone.

After being on the Dr. Phil show in May, my life may have changed but my opinions have not!  I have received some positive feedback and more negative feedback than I’d like to discuss. After reviewing everybody’s responses, I’d like to be clear on a few points! Realize and understand that these are MY opinions and I don’t care if they offend anyone. My portrayal on the show was that of a monster and I’m okay with that. However, my true opinions could not be elaborated upon in such a sort time period. With that said, DO read the following response with an open mind and above all, remember that these are my personal views and opinions. You know what they say about opinions, they’re like assholes everybody has one and I am one!

First and foremost, I do realize that I am not perfect by a longshot but I do strive to be so. I understand that I must live a healthy, happy life in order to live life to the fullest. It makes me sick to my stomach to see people do physical harm to their body, being selfish and causing detriment to their loved ones causing them to suffer more than necessary in this lifetime. We all can live happy, healthy, long lives if we would just do what is right.


Let me be clear on a few points. I never said that I didn’t like fat people. I said I don’t agree with morbidly obese people. It is unhealthy and causes health problems particularly Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, breathing problems, certain types of cancer, arthritis, and a host of others. It is sickening to see an already obese person at an all-you-can-eat buffet stuffing themselves and putting on a disgusting spectacle of gluttony. There is a reason why gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It shortens one’s lifespan and I feel that life should be spent with family instead of six feet deep in some forgotten grave. I feel that if I condoned such behavior, I would be okay with my daughter eating French fries and double cheeseburgers rather than eating apples. Not in this lifetime!

 #Thinkaboutit – Why is it not a big deal when a fat woman wears tight clothes in public places and nobody says anything but when I do it, it’s a problem? That’s prejudiced! At least I’m nice to look at! I’m a 34-26-44 and everybody wants to see this! Nobody wants to see that fat ass bit** (please don’t excuse my profanity. I meant to say it!)


Say you’re pregnant and you go in for your check up and find that your baby has Down syndrome. Would you do what is right and save the baby from a lifetime of suffering and humiliation, or would you be selfish and carry the child to term? I do not hate retarded people but c’mon ya’ll, it’s 2011. There are tests that can be performed.

One test called Amniocentesis is a fairly simple procedure in which a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus is withdrawn through a needle inserted into the mother's uterus. This sample is then used to analyze the chromosomes of the fetus and allows doctors to determine whether or not the child will have a birth defect.

Many other birth defects are caused by sexually transmitted disease including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and HIV. If you take care of yourself, you won’t have to worry about giving birth to a child with birth defects. If you are over the age of 35 and thinking about having children, DON’T! There are too many health risks involved and your child may suffer because of your negligence.

If you have the option to abort the ill fetus, why not do it? They [retarded children] are a burden to the family and will not have a quality life. If you choose to keep it instead of aborting it, you are being selfish and that child will be a burden to your family and to society. I am a tax payer and all of my tax payer dollars go towards trying to make that retarded child be accepted by society. When I go to a restaurant and I see it, instead of enjoying my meal, now my heart is in my stomach because I feel bad for the child.

I don’t hate paraplegic but if you were drinking and driving, or under the influence of drugs and you become paralyzed then it’s your fault. No one should have to feel sorry for you because you made an idiotic mistake. If you were robbing someone or were paralyzed due to gang violence, get over yourself. You had no business doing that anyway.


Who hasn’t parked in handicapped spaces? 


I don’t want that Vick Vacation! The dog wasn’t mine, it was my sister’s dog and not my responsibility. I love animals and would never abuse an animal.  

#JustSayin – The lady on the show with me had the nerve to boo hoo over a dog but her son is running around burning children with cigarettes. I mean, who does that???


My daughter is well taken care of and my mother often helps me. There is no better person for my child to be around than a kind, Christian woman as is my mother.  My mother is not to blame for the way I am. She reared me well. I come from a two parent home. I am an adult, no longer a child. This is my life and I make my own rules and decisions. Right now, my child is just that, A CHILD! However, I will continue to encourage her when she is an adult to be her own person and make her own decisions.


In conclusion, I still say that by playing a bully in a show, the guy is promoting bullies and I stand by that. This also goes for those of you who are bullying me. How dare you!!!  Shame on me? No, SHAME ON YOU!!!  To all those who wrote to me saying you wish I were dead, you pray to God that my child ends up in a wheelchair paralyzed from the neck down, you can’t wait to catch me somewhere so you can beat my brains out, I think you need to be on Dr. Phil also, maybe more than I did! I’m seeking help now! What are you doing with your rage and hatefulness?

Postscript - BRING IT ON!!!

Temica RoShawn