Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Still a Bad Girl - The Response Letter to the Dr. Phil Show

Still a Bad Girl!

At first sight, you may notice that I am beautiful and think that I am sweet. This is true. However, I do have another side of me that bites. The bites are as venomous as a King Cobra.
I repeatedly misbehave and my domineering personality dominates my relationships. Oftentimes, I have been called hostile, spiteful, hateful and other nasty things. I think those who try to characterize my personality miss the mark all too often. I am much more than just hostile and spiteful. Please! Malevolent is more like it.
Life is mine to enjoy, even if it is at the expense of those around me. I know what I want and I know how to get it. If you don’t like it, well that’s just too bad; Get used to it! I’m not stopping or moving aside for anyone.

After being on the Dr. Phil show in May, my life may have changed but my opinions have not!  I have received some positive feedback and more negative feedback than I’d like to discuss. After reviewing everybody’s responses, I’d like to be clear on a few points! Realize and understand that these are MY opinions and I don’t care if they offend anyone. My portrayal on the show was that of a monster and I’m okay with that. However, my true opinions could not be elaborated upon in such a sort time period. With that said, DO read the following response with an open mind and above all, remember that these are my personal views and opinions. You know what they say about opinions, they’re like assholes everybody has one and I am one!

First and foremost, I do realize that I am not perfect by a longshot but I do strive to be so. I understand that I must live a healthy, happy life in order to live life to the fullest. It makes me sick to my stomach to see people do physical harm to their body, being selfish and causing detriment to their loved ones causing them to suffer more than necessary in this lifetime. We all can live happy, healthy, long lives if we would just do what is right.


Let me be clear on a few points. I never said that I didn’t like fat people. I said I don’t agree with morbidly obese people. It is unhealthy and causes health problems particularly Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, breathing problems, certain types of cancer, arthritis, and a host of others. It is sickening to see an already obese person at an all-you-can-eat buffet stuffing themselves and putting on a disgusting spectacle of gluttony. There is a reason why gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It shortens one’s lifespan and I feel that life should be spent with family instead of six feet deep in some forgotten grave. I feel that if I condoned such behavior, I would be okay with my daughter eating French fries and double cheeseburgers rather than eating apples. Not in this lifetime!

 #Thinkaboutit – Why is it not a big deal when a fat woman wears tight clothes in public places and nobody says anything but when I do it, it’s a problem? That’s prejudiced! At least I’m nice to look at! I’m a 34-26-44 and everybody wants to see this! Nobody wants to see that fat ass bit** (please don’t excuse my profanity. I meant to say it!)


Say you’re pregnant and you go in for your check up and find that your baby has Down syndrome. Would you do what is right and save the baby from a lifetime of suffering and humiliation, or would you be selfish and carry the child to term? I do not hate retarded people but c’mon ya’ll, it’s 2011. There are tests that can be performed.

One test called Amniocentesis is a fairly simple procedure in which a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus is withdrawn through a needle inserted into the mother's uterus. This sample is then used to analyze the chromosomes of the fetus and allows doctors to determine whether or not the child will have a birth defect.

Many other birth defects are caused by sexually transmitted disease including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes and HIV. If you take care of yourself, you won’t have to worry about giving birth to a child with birth defects. If you are over the age of 35 and thinking about having children, DON’T! There are too many health risks involved and your child may suffer because of your negligence.

If you have the option to abort the ill fetus, why not do it? They [retarded children] are a burden to the family and will not have a quality life. If you choose to keep it instead of aborting it, you are being selfish and that child will be a burden to your family and to society. I am a tax payer and all of my tax payer dollars go towards trying to make that retarded child be accepted by society. When I go to a restaurant and I see it, instead of enjoying my meal, now my heart is in my stomach because I feel bad for the child.

I don’t hate paraplegic but if you were drinking and driving, or under the influence of drugs and you become paralyzed then it’s your fault. No one should have to feel sorry for you because you made an idiotic mistake. If you were robbing someone or were paralyzed due to gang violence, get over yourself. You had no business doing that anyway.


Who hasn’t parked in handicapped spaces? 


I don’t want that Vick Vacation! The dog wasn’t mine, it was my sister’s dog and not my responsibility. I love animals and would never abuse an animal.  

#JustSayin – The lady on the show with me had the nerve to boo hoo over a dog but her son is running around burning children with cigarettes. I mean, who does that???


My daughter is well taken care of and my mother often helps me. There is no better person for my child to be around than a kind, Christian woman as is my mother.  My mother is not to blame for the way I am. She reared me well. I come from a two parent home. I am an adult, no longer a child. This is my life and I make my own rules and decisions. Right now, my child is just that, A CHILD! However, I will continue to encourage her when she is an adult to be her own person and make her own decisions.


In conclusion, I still say that by playing a bully in a show, the guy is promoting bullies and I stand by that. This also goes for those of you who are bullying me. How dare you!!!  Shame on me? No, SHAME ON YOU!!!  To all those who wrote to me saying you wish I were dead, you pray to God that my child ends up in a wheelchair paralyzed from the neck down, you can’t wait to catch me somewhere so you can beat my brains out, I think you need to be on Dr. Phil also, maybe more than I did! I’m seeking help now! What are you doing with your rage and hatefulness?

Postscript - BRING IT ON!!!

Temica RoShawn


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    1. I don't agree with some of your ways but at least your doing what many people find hard to do and that's seeking help. Im not judging u because I don't know what u been thru or what your life is like. I pray for u and wish u and your family well . God bless

    2. RoShawn's an extension of God, just like we all are. She's entitled to create her world as she sees fit. There are no victims in life, for we have all chosen and are continuing to choose the type of life we have and the human being we want to be in each moment. That said, it does no good to briefly get caught up in her entertaining ways. There's no reason to get upset and cry, "Foul!" See, just like you and me, RoShawn is creating not only the type of life she wants, but she is also creating karma. She will take care of herself, meaning, it will come back to her a thousand-fold. Universal law, my friends. She's a big-ass soul who can certainly dish it out AND can take it. And I see, too, just as Dr. Phil saw as well, that she's coming from fear, not power. True power is Love and being fully aware of that. Moreover, that fear that she is choosing to project is not even her! I see it will probably take a few hundred lifetimes for her to start to get it -- what she's actually doing to her own soul, her own self. No biggie. And again, there are no victims. We all choose and agree on some level what we come in contact with in order for spiritual growth and the fun in creating. People with Down Syndrome or a handicap all have chosen exactly who and what they are. But remember. We're not the body. We are souls. The physical is a very brief veil of our true Self, meaning, we are all extremely capable and powerful, because we are extensions of God. If RoShawn can't remember that right now, again, no biggie. She'll begin to remember when it's right for her. In the meantime, though, try not to take her so seriously. Raise your vibration and have a good laugh.

    3. Agreed. I love your outlook & agree with you in sooooo many things. Very refreshing to read a reply like yours. Thank you for that <3

  2. As a mother of a handicapped child I can't help be offended. My son was born early and it was not his choice or mine for him to have a bleed in his brain that led to his diagnosis of cerebral palsy. As this boy sits in his wheelchair he shows much more strength than any adult I know. I was healthy and took very good care of my body when I was pregnant. His premature birth was just God's way of saying it's time for him to be born. In my belly he was perfectly healthy. Even after testing he came back a normal healthy child. The ignorance I witnessed on Dr. Phil will forever haunt you. I don't want to put you down because I was like you for a long time. I was a bully and I had serous issues. Honestly, I feel sorry for you. You have fake hair, fake nails, fake boobs, fake ass, I mean EVERYTHING is so fake it is alarming. Do you really hate yourself as a black woman that you do that to your body and put others down to make yourself feel better? Just in my opinion, you need to reduce your butt implants because you only look good from certain angles. Go to youtube and look at the HOTEL PARTY VIDEO. There is a scene where you are walking in and the camera is behind you. Your face is not seen but it's clearly you. It really is not flattering. It looks ok from the side and only looked good from behind when you were crouched down in a squat. I think just a little less and you would be perfect. As a model, I know the importance of good and bad angles. So, this is just constructive criticism. If you want to continue modeling you need to be a little more natural and appealing to receive a larger fan base. Even as a video chick you want to expand your horizons from just "video vixen" material to other roles. I am a very beautiful woman. I don't feel threatened by you at all because I have natural beauty with long hair, proportionate in size, and healthy. I can walk out of the house with no make up, in sweat pants and I ALWAYS get attention. I am writing this because so many people bash you and are blinded by your ignorance that I wondered if anyone ever told you these things. You are obviously somewhat book smart. When are you going to get tired of being desired for only how you look. After a couple magazines and rap videos I got really tired of it. It sucked wondering if every single guy I was dating wanted me for me or just for what I looked like. Even after all the shopping sprees and money I got tired of people just being FAKE. I think to receive the real, you have to be real with yourself. After receiving my degree in Chemistry I gained a new pride as an African American woman. I have realized that you are a better example for your children when you teach them to appreciate diversity also. I am a single parent and I am also far from perfect. I am told everyday how pretty I am from strangers and how pretty my skin is. One thing I appreciate most nowadays is being told how smart I am. I tell you this because I hate seeing African American women belittle themselves the way you have. How can you explain this to your daughter who idolizes you. How can you tell your daughter to go to school and do well so she can be successful when mommy uses her looks to get what she wants? I have been raped 5 times, manipulated, used and abused. I use to fight CONSTANTLY and after being in jail 3 times in Atlanta I decided to slow my role. I got a felony aggravated battery because a chick was jealous. You know silly hoes like to try light skinned chicks. If you want to make it big, you have to let people like you for you.Be careful lady because karma is a bitch and her bite is vicious. Hopefully I can see you one day on a show that will highlight your good than your bad. You can go very far with the media attention you have gotten but you need to use it for other stuff. You're a strong woman. Embrace your ACTUAL beauty sista. You will make so much more money doing it. Good luck girl.

  3. be true to yourself but remember everybody has a story and you can't tell what that story is just by looking at them.

  4. I wish I was as determined as you are. You should give some advice to shy girls on how to get what they want

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  8. Temica!!All I can say is that I hope and pray that God blesses your tiny heart. I will admit that I grew very angry as I watched you say such horrible things but at the same time I mostly feel sorry for you. Someone could easily say "Oh my Temica girl is so fake! I should not have to suffer by looking at her thinking that she was so upset with the way she was born, she had to have surgery." I bet that got you thinking and on the defense in a split second. You are probably already thinking so many bad things about me now because that is just your way of dealing with the truth. I personally think that the show did change you and make you realize your wrong doings but you are just so stubborn and scared that you won't accept it. Nobody has the ability to control how they are born. Even if it is the parent’s decision to have the child, the child does not have any control and is not at fault! I believe that people are entitled to their own opinions but sometimes those opinions can be rude, racist, hurtful, discriminative, etc. I am pretty sure that if you were in an accident (God forbid) you would appreciate a handicapped spot also. And I do believe that when you are asked questions you don't give an honest answer. You automatically have this shield that you refuse to put down. And going back to the episode, you yelled at one of the girls because she cut into the conversation. Girl, nobody was talking to you and you cut in to the conversation yourself in the beginning. You find something that bothers you and you automatically lash out because you are scared of not being in control of any situation. I do see a sweet girl that has the potential to get along with others and be a strong woman at the same time but in order to be happy with yourself and others you have to set your guard down and realize that you can't always be the big bad girl because no matter how strong you may act you know that you are not at peace with yourself. I do believe that you have the ability to change. All you need to do is set your pride aside and actually do it! And my wishes are not send any harm to you or your daughter but for you to realize your wrong doing and let the beautiful inner you come out. It's not enough to be pretty on the outside, you have to have the real true beauty on the inside because that is was is truly important. Respect is such a beautiful gift. It should be given to others and then it shall be received and only when one sees the equality and respect in this world as it should, then there will be no need to offend or be offended. Happiness is key. Make others happy and you will be happy too. The last thing I want is for you to end up lonely and hated, but please realize that that is where you are headed. I am pretty sure that you daughter deserves to grow up in a happy environment with family and friends around. Don’t take your child’s happiness away by your actions. What if you get arrested for your actions or get harmed and no one is there for you anymore? What will happen to your daughter? Think before you speak. Think about your daughter and how she will be affected

  9. Hi Temica, although I don't agree with a vast majority of your opinions I respect the fact that you are your own person and have a right to live your own life. That being said, a hateful life is not a fun one to live. There was a time in my life where I just wanted nothing to do with anyone. I was very defensive of myself because i thought everyone was out to hurt me. And you of all people should know how much that sucks. And I don't think you like living like that, I mean, who would? I'm glad you're willing to work on your anger and you're right, just because you are a bully doesn't make it right for all these other people to bully you. No matter how bad you think someone is, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I really hope that you find some peace with yourself because in my opinion you are a very beautiful individual (even if you have some implants in you) and you are passionate and deep down you have a great heart. You are so much more than the monster people make you out to be. And day by day, I hope you'll learn to open your heart and love a little bit more.

  10. You have valid opinion defenses..but as for the handicap parking? I have never, ever, parked in a handicap space. The reason they have that quick and easy access is because they have more trouble getting into buildings than the average person. I can jog, walk or skip to the entrance, physically handicap people can't - which is why they have the spots exist.

    Be tolerant.
    And most importantly, be sympathetic.
    Being mean won't get you more friends or fans.

    Best of luck!

  11. I Want To See What Its Like To Spend A Day WIth This Woman ..

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  14. I think life will be better if one treats others with respect instead of demanding respect all the time. Respect will come then naturally. If you offend people, they won't treat you with respect as a result of it. Try it and see if it works and if you want; keep us posted. Good luck with everything.

  15. Replies
    1. Now did that make you feel better?

    2. The truth hurts. Monkey didn't think twice about calling people retarded, etc, so why the hell should I watch my words with that damn dirty ape.

      She is an animal, pure and simple. Karma will bite her fake ass one day.

      CPS - take her bastard child away before she kills it.

      I'll say it again. She is a NIGGER CUNT.

    3. Is that yourself you are describing? Racism has been the cause of oppression, violent and mentally, for POC. It's because of racism, which is based on judging as "inferior" on something people can't control, which is their own f*cking looks, that people all over the world are being bullied.., and even killed, which is a lot worse than whatever this awful women has done. Yet, you're going to call her a "nigger cunt" because she bullies? Just like you. There is this saying "People who don't have anything good to say about people have nothing good to say about themselves." Also get some mental help, yeah? Anyone who delusional enough to believe someone need to die over their own look is a psychopath, and needs to be mentally evaluated asap.

    4. I agree this girl is a monkey why can't cps take her child away

  16. There is nothing wrong with being self-confident,and self-assured. However, the way you we're on the Dr. Phil show, allowed me to see a young woman who is extremely insecure, and very immature. You're an attention seeker, and you will do anything to get people to pay attention to you, even if it's negative attention.

    You are 100% entitled to have the opinions that you do. But the way you present your opinions is with extremely poor judgment. Temica Roshawn, you're 26 years old, and you're very pretty on the outside. But why do you hide the real you behind a very thick wall of pain? You strike out at people, if they get close to the truth. It's obvious you've been hurt, and you use negativity to keep people away.

    You're absolutely right that obesity is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are many people who use food to cover up the pain. I'm also one of those people who used to do that, but not anymore. When I was 33 years old, I weighed over 300 lbs. Part of it was the way I ate, lack of exercise, and because I also have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). When I found out that I had diabetes in 2006, that's what prompted me to get my butt in gear, and get the weight off. I've been down to 145 lbs for the past 4 years. It took me a long time to put on the weight, and it took me a long time to take it off.

    I went to see a registered dietitian, to help me figure out what to eat. I was so impressed by the lady I talked to, that I decided that I wanted to help people the way that I've been helped. I'm now in college studying dietitics (human nutrition), with a minor in exercise science.

    Now regarding your opinions on people who are physically and mentally handicapped, I think you're wrong on so many levels. My only child is a 9 year old boy, and he has autism. I didn't know that he was autistic when I was pregnant with him. My husband and I didn't get an official diagnosis until May of 2007. But you know by then, I was grateful to the Lord, just to have him in my life. Temica Roshawn, I don't see my child a burden, I see him as a blessing! My son is 100% perfect, because God made him in His image.

    Let me ask you something, what if your child had been born with a handicap? Would you have aborted her knowing that she could have a handicap for the rest of her life? Or would you look at her, like the gift that she is? Would you thank God that she's happy, healthy, and well taken care of. It's just like your family member that has down syndrome. That family member is cherished, because he/she is a child of God, and NOT a burden to his/her caregiver.

    Handicapped spaces are for the handicappped. Just because someone doesn't look like they're handicapped isn't for anyone to judge. You really look like a jerk, when you park in places where you don't belong.

    Temica Roshawn, I'm going to close with this. I commend your willingness to seek out the counseling that you need. I personally think that you've got a lot of potential, you just have to learn to channel that energy in a positive way. No I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I'm a 40 year old woman, who has been blessed, but I choose to be open to possibilities. So that's what I'm going to encourage you to do. Be open to possibilities, you might be surprised that something really good might come your way.

    Remember: Leave your eyes and ears on God. He is watching and listening to everything you do or say.

    Good luck to you Temica Roshawan.

  17. Dear Temica,
    You're a like a young beautiful butterfly with broken wings. But I beg you, don't kill yourself girl! You're still alive, and that's important. You just need some fixing like we all do. And that's gonna take some time. But believe in God and in yourself.


  18. The dog might not have been your responsibility, but it wouldn't have been hard for you to get off your selfish ass and let it in the house. You are an animal killer and an animal abuser. You boo hoo about being raped and yet you slut it up on your twitter.

    Your daughter would be better off being raised by your mother and for you to get out of her life before she ends up just like you.

    And for the record? I have NEVER parked in handicap space. I have legs, I can walk, and so can you.

    1. I agree with Ashley. The comment about it not being your responsibility was disgusting. What a whiner. You then had the nerve to say you loved animals. However not enough to open the door for a poor little soul so it would not be brutally killed.

  19. Temica, I give you credit for being on the Dr. Phil show and stating your opinions. Most people that bully others like you do wouldn't have the guts to do that. That's about where any respect I have for you ends.

    Regarding your opinions about fat people, I get your point on how obesity causes diabetes, among other things. That doesn't justify being rude or hateful to fat people. It may be someone's own fault that they are fat, or maybe not, but it is not for you to judge. What good can come of you being mean to anyone?

    Regarding retarded people, I also get what you're saying about not carrying a disabled child to term and choosing to abort the child. But once the child is born, it is a done deal. What can possibly justify your being mean to a disabled person? It is not their fault they are retarded. They didn't make that choice.

    Finally, regarding parking in handicapped spots, I have NEVER done that and would never dream of it.

    I have nothing more to say here, other than I would love to know who your friends are. You must be a very lonely person, or will be very soon. I would also love to meet the man with whom you made your daughter, and I hope to God your daughter turns out better than you.

  20. U r just a criminal and your baby girl deserves better. You need help, Bitch!!!!

  21. It makes me so sad to read some of the hateful comments here. What this girl is doing is not right, but she is this way right now and everybody knows that it is wrong. But all the hateful people on here really should know better.
    Is it more important for all of you people to spew out all your anger and frustration than hoping that she will change and learn to be a better person?
    All this hate is just going to have an opposite effect. If you think this girl is wrong, don't do wrong yourselves. It is never effective to meet negativity with negativity, at least not to this degree, most of you are not being constructive in your critisism, you are really just ventilating your own negative emotions.
    Please, before you judge this girl, take a look at yourselves because none of us is perfect. The truth is that people are not walking trough life with pure thoughts at all time, Every single one of us have had a judgemental and hateful thought about some other person. Wether it is a handicapped person, an overweight person, someone you thought was ugly, someone you thought was too pretty, too skinny etc. The difference is that this girl speaks her mind, and we should all have learned from watching the show that sometimes it is better not to speak your mind, but to control your emotions a little bit. But what you are doing now is that you are not at all holding back in your hatred towards her.
    Do you all think she is some kind of evil demon, or can you acknowledge that maybe she is really messed up?
    And for anyone that thinks she has mental problems, you should know better than to pick on the mentally handicapped.
    Every single one of us has flaws, some flaws are much more offensive to other people.

    But if you think about it long and hard you should realize that no matter how offensive her feelings are, those are her feelings, she didn't choose to have them, they are feelings and there is no ammount of finger pointing in the world that is going to remove those feelings for her.
    If she really feels this uncomfortable around handicapped people, she feels this way, she did not choose it. What she DID choose however was to be insensitive and speak loudly about her emotions in a way that is hurtful to other people. That is her error. And I hope she is getting help with that aswell as help to understand those emotions and where they come from.

    In one way or another, the way that she is is a disability, it may sound ridiculous but to ask her to just suddenly turn into some kind of perfect human being is not reasonable. And because of this, it is unneccesary to hate on her the way you are. You don't have to accept what she is doing, but you should not accept the way you are behaving either because it is basically the same.

    Do you want to live in a world full with good people? Start with yourselves.


  22. i have a girl friend who has to use a wheel chair or crutches to get around because the doctor's used forceps on her when she was born and i read about a little girl called Kai who was crippled after being shot in the back when she was three years old. Did these two people put themselves in the wheelchair like you said on the Dr Phil show? God obviously loves you. Maybe he is the only one who does.

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  24. I just saw the Dr Phil show and I HAD to know how you are today. Looked you up and found this.
    First of all, I don't think you're a bully, you just have a strong personality and are also extremely opinionated as I am. I think the issue is, you don't know when to hold your tongue. I had to learn that the hard way.
    I too, have no sympathy for the obese who put themselves in that situation, or, as I thought I understood you on the show, a person who ends up crippled from driving drunk. However, there are people who are obese due to medication (prednisone for one), or disabled from birth or an unfortunate accident. Keep in mind that at any second in life, you may end up as an amputee or in a wheelchair. You will experience those who are as uncomfortable around you as you were around them. But would it be acceptable to display the same type of ignorance towards you as you've shown towards them?
    You're physically beautiful, and the implants weren't necessary. However, when you speak, the ugliness is exposed and it completely changes the illusion. You will drive away people with good hearts and the only ones who will stick by your side are fakes, negativity or someone who is taking advantage of you for whatever reason. Like attracts like.
    You have an advantage with your beauty. Don't spoil it with your negativity. Negativity festers anger. Trust me, I know this. When it comes down to it, it doesn't really matter that there's disabled parking spots closest to the door. It doesn't matter that 4 people in the store are morbidly obese. We all have one life to live, and it is extremely short. Don't spend your one life being angry and focusing on ridiculing, criticizing or despising others. Instead, enjoy what the world has to offer us. The different people we cross paths with. We are all here for one reason. To live the one life we are given. Let's make it a happy one! For ourselves and the others we meet.

  25. I just got done watching the show for the first time today. My jaw was open 99% of the time and i felt really sad for the people she has hurt /offended from her ignorance. It was ugly and sad to sed coming from a physically pretty girl. I pray she gets the help she needs because her behavior is her way of acting out the hurt that was done to her. She needs help,i pray she has received it.

  26. You're the nastiest person I've ever seen. It's literally hilarious how you feel that YOU are better than anyone. I would be interested to know if you have a degree? How many times you've been arrested? and why you find yourself so attractive? You should be soooooo embarrassed, YOU NEED HELP TRULY

  27. Hurting people hurt others. whatever happened to you in life that made you to act this way, I pray that God heals you.

  28. When I first saw you I will say I was stunned that a spirit of such a pretty woman could be so mean...then I realized how broken inside you must be to feel like you have to put others down to make yourself feel good...and all I could think is that life has a way of teaching lessons that we need to learn...whether it's that you cross the wrong person and are physically beat down or maimed by someone who is bigger and badder (or just evil) or whether it's a disability concerning you or a loved one ..or your daughter one day having a disabled child ...I will say God will humble the prideful..and it won't be pretty...the things you believe just go against all Jesus teaches...(to abort any 'non-perfect' child?) God makes no mistakes and the sweetness and loving nature of those I have dealt with in the Special Olympics make them so much more beautiful inside than you could be in the outside..they teach us love, compassion, and joy...things that are lacking in your life..the hole in your soul will never be filled by hatred, mean spiritedness and ignorance! I pray Jesus will get a hold of your hard heart one day...your outward beauty is fleeting...but who you are in your soul will be your legacy for your daughter...right now that is tinted with an 'ugliness' that will be how you are remembered...I pray Jesus will come into your heart..heal the darkness...and let His light shine through so that you can have a legacy your daughter can be proud that has nothing to do with external, materialistic, shallowness! But one of compassion and empathy..we have a God of miraculous change..I wish that for you!! God never created us to put ourselves higher than each other..that is pure darkness...turn your life over to the One who is light...we all will answer for what we say and do while we are here..and then? Eternity!!

  29. When I saw you on the show, I realized that this isn't about "handicapped" people of those who are overweight and them angering you, etc. This is clearly about a person who is full of anger, fear and pain who projects their baggage onto other people since it's way easier to do that than look within yourself. When I see you , I see weakness. It's EASY to succumb to anger and fear of the unknown. It's much harder to learn to love again after you've been hurt and you are a perfect person who fits into that category. You love the idea of people fearing you and that's why you bully and physically assault people but really, who is the one who is really afraid? to attack another human being who has never harmed you says a lot about you as a Person - you're consumed by fear and hatred and it's YOU you hate. You hate your inability to grow from your painful experiences because it's too hard for you. Hurting anyone, regardless of their shape, religion , colour, personality is not the solution to solve the turmoil within you and it's a perfect example of your ignorance that all people (adults too) have feelings, and hate to break it you, adults are always going to be someone's child. If you walked up to me and did your little smart talk act, would I be hurt? Maybe. But I have the strength to allow that pain to surface, release it and use the awesome support of friends and family to lift me up and shortly after I'm back to my happy self. Or, I won't be affected at all because I know the bs you throw at me isn't true nor is it about me and everything about you and your weak desperate state to protect yourself from battles you create. And, then, I'm happy of my proud self because I'm strong enough to not do to others what I know in my heart feels bad to me if I do that for a fast satisfaction. I go to sleep at peace because I'm proud of the kind compassionate and strong person that I am. How do you sleep, knowing that you intentionally try to destroy others simply out of your own illness of allowing fear and pain to consume your life that all you can do is act out? I feel sorry for your child, children do what you do, not what you say. I wish you luck because it feels good for me to do so. Because when I DO good, I FEEL good. You must be soooo disconnected from your heart... Wow... I feel so sorry for whatever must of happened to you and I hope you can survive and heal your clearly broken heart because without doing that, you'll never love and accept yourself and the love for your child will never be unconditional since you cannot give what you do not have.

  30. Wow! All these "you should just kill yourself" comments ...
    Talk about bullying and judging.
    While I definitely don't agree with Temica's outlook, or way of dealing with people / situations, that doesn't mean that I want her dead. How ridiculous is that?
    C'mon people. You can't bitch about someone & call them a cold-hearted bitch, & then say you wish they'd just kill themselves. Gimme a break. It doesn't get any colder than that.
    I don't wish ANY bad on her, or anyone for that matter.
    I pray she finds the peace she deserves - the peace we ALL deserve - to have in life. And I truly believe she will one day.
    Temica - you're a better person than you're letting on. I know you have a big heart - we saw glimpses of it on the show. You're just trying the best you know how, to keep yourself protected. Kind of a "I'm gonna hurt you before you can hurt me" defense.
    But you'll get there - you will learn to TRULY love yourself - enough to let others in, even with the risk of being hurt & let down. And once you do that, you're going to be so much happier & find life so much more fulfilling.
    Good luck on your journey - I know you can do this. <3

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    2. Ur funny Chantons I bitched her out on face book and I apologized but i am not sincere about it ho why doesnt she get smacked

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  35. I just watched your session with Dr. Phil on Youtube. My first reaction to what you said and did was pure anger and disgust, and then I realized how truly broken you are.Temica, my heart breaks for you. Anyone can see that you are in an an enormous amount of emotional pain. You said on the show that the rape you experienced during your childhood "no longer bothered" you, but it clearly does. How could it not? That boyfriend of yours hurt you in one of the worst ways you could possibly hurt another human being. One does not simply "get over" something so horrible. It really upsets me to see so many people responding to you with anger and hatred. They are no better than how they see you. To those people, I would like to share a quote by author Wendy Mass that is of special significance to me: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” You are a beautiful woman on the outside and I believe even on the inside as well. You are broken, but not beyond repair. You mention that you believe it is important to live a healthy, happy life. But the way you are living right now will not make you happy, no matter how much you insist it will. Your bullying and tough-girl facade comes from insecurity and self-loathing, and until you are able to heal, you will never truly be happy. Now, obviously, this post was written quite a while ago. However, I pray that, if you have not yet been able to heal, you will soon. No one deserves to hurt the way you have. God bless you, dear, and I hope you can finally find true peace and happiness.

  36. I just watched your session with Dr. Phil on Youtube. My first reaction to what you said and did was pure anger and disgust, and then I realized how truly broken you are.Temica, my heart breaks for you. Anyone can see that you are in an an enormous amount of emotional pain. You said on the show that the rape you experienced during your childhood "no longer bothered" you, but it clearly does. How could it not? That boyfriend of yours hurt you in one of the worst ways you could possibly hurt another human being. One does not simply "get over" something so horrible. It really upsets me to see so many people responding to you with anger and hatred. They are no better than how they see you. To those people, I would like to share a quote by author Wendy Mass that is of special significance to me: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” You are a beautiful woman on the outside and I believe even on the inside as well. You are broken, but not beyond repair. You mention that you believe it is important to live a healthy, happy life. But the way you are living right now will not make you happy, no matter how much you insist it will. Your bullying and tough-girl facade comes from insecurity and self-loathing, and until you are able to heal, you will never truly be happy. Now, obviously, this post was written quite a while ago. However, I pray that, if you have not yet been able to heal, you will soon. No one deserves to hurt the way you have. God bless you, dear, and I hope you can finally find true peace and happiness.

  37. I agree with Sydney...hurt people, hurt people. I sincerely pray you find healing and can be a light in your mothers eyes and not the shame of your shadow.

  38. I agree with Sydney...hurt people, hurt people. I sincerely pray you find healing and can be a light in your mothers eyes and not the shame of your shadow.

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  40. It's been over 4 years since the show aired and I will start out by saying this: Good heavens I hope you have gotten the help you so desperately needed. Being a bully isn't something to be proud of, it's something to be ashamed of. To say what you did about "retarded" people was horrible, but my point to make is this; educate yourself before spouting off what you do not know. And yes, this is my area of expertise and education, before you try to tell me I'm wrong. Out of all the diseases you quoted that supposedly cause birth defects, only one was accurate and that was syphillis. NONE of the others, including AIDS, cause birth defects. Many, many birth defects happen by no fault of the mother, so to generalize it the way you did is an insult to the thousands of mothers who give birth to a defected child that took great care of themselves. Second, should you ever take the time to be around a child with a birth defect, including your own COUSIN, you would find a kind, gentle soul who knows no evil, except what they are exposed to by yes, people like you. I have a cousin with Downs Syndrome and she lived a long happy life at home with her mother. None of us would have had it any other way as she was a gift from God who brought joy to our lives for years. To say giving birth to a child with a known birth defect is selfish is also a slap in the face to women who would give their life for that child. In fact, it's the other way around; aborting that child would be the selfish act, as a way to relieve that mother or those parents from what they see as a "burden" God gave them.

    On overweight people: Yes people can take better care of themselves but God did not make you their conscience to tell them what to do and what not to do. Just like some people didn't know what had happened in your past, you have NO CLUE what their life has been like. Just like you, that is a symptom of something deeper that is hurting them or hurt them in the past. That person may also have a disease that contributes to obesity and not even know it. Most overweight or obese people don't like being that way any more than you like seeing them that way. It's still not your place to give your input to someone you do not know.

    Handicapped parking. I NEVER parked in one until I needed it. And no, I am not in a wheelchair and still only park in one if I truly need it. So you understand, I have severe back issues, and again so you know, NO FAULT OF MY OWN, and have had repeated surgeries. I am not and never have been overweight, so before you think it, no, that's not what caused it. Just something God gave me to deal with and I deal with it the best I can. If I were to need that parking space and someone like you who thinks (hopefully THOUGHT) they were entitled to it, was blocking the space, I would block your car in until the tow truck and police got there.

    Everyone has issues from their past. Some worse than others. I was sexually abused for most of my childhood but instead of letting it make me an out of control, overly opinionated ugly bitch, I let what happened to me make me a STRONGER KINDER person. Yes, I said UGLY because the person I watched on the Doctor Phil show was so ugly on the inside it completely overshadowed any beauty on the outside.

    As I said before, it's been over four years and I hope you've gotten the help you needed. I saw this "post show letter" and wanted to correct your incorrect information and say that I pray you have become the beautiful person on the inside that you could be on the out. Outer beauty does no good if the inner is ugly. Your daughter deserves a mother that can teach her tolerance and kindness. If you don't teach your child that you are teaching her stereotyping and prejudice. I think there's enough of that in the world without continuing to teach children the same.

  41. You're not over any of your past. Drives everything you do. Made you feel inferior. You want to be loved, liked, and accepted. You want people to understand you. You can't control your emotions.

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  43. I will pray for you your hurting so much!!!!

  44. I will pray for you your hurting so much!!!!

  45. Watching this show now. She has some deep rooted issues...I see she picks on people who she feels are beneath her. I definitely know some people she would not even attempt to bully or pick on.

    Kinda sad to watch....

    1. Yes, bullies are hurting on the inside all the time, poor things. They need help.

  46. you say that there are tests to see if your child has down syndrome. one woman was told the test was positive. she aborted a perfectly healthy baby. the test was wrong.

  47. This is my cousin,My dad is her uncle she's from Garrison,Texas. Seeing her this spring break.

    1. Tell her to relax and have a laugh with family. Laughter and family cure a lot of hurts.

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  49. I am just curious. You say you LOVE animals and would never harm them but why leave an animal out side knowing the possibilities of it causing them harm? I mean you truly seem genuine, sweet, caring, lovable, and above all else smart so why allow yourself to be judged as such a negative, non-caring, inconsiderate individual because your actions. I truly am proud to know your seeking the help and trying to change and most of all to keep your child on a great path of life. WELL DONE. I would love to get you on our radio show as a follow up to see how you are doing and what changes have taken place since your Dr Phil appearance.

  50. Just to recount something -- Instead of putting this woman down and trying to make her feel less than why not pick her up and make her realize that she can be loved as well as she can love all those around her as well. Calling her names, saying negative things, what makes anyone of you different from her? NOTHING. Try to encourage her change not deffer her from it. Hands of Hope allows change more than anything else.

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  52. U need the Lord; Satan has consumed you.

  53. So many years have passed for both of us. When he asked you if you had ever been hurt and you said "physically?" I just knew..(easy out)..who freakin' cares about that? I still dk what the answer is for the rest of it. Just..could.. relate (to some..not all)

  54. So many years have passed for both of us. When he asked you if you had ever been hurt and you said "physically?" I just knew..(easy out)..who freakin' cares about that? I still dk what the answer is for the rest of it. Just..could.. relate (to some..not all)

  55. I feel sorry for you. I hope you're able to find some authentic love and light in your lifetime.

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  57. And u say u admire your mom 'cause she's a "good Christian?" Can u not see your ways toward others are not approved by the Bible? Did Jesus act disgusted toward the sick & the weak no matter the reason? Did he at all blame others & point fingers toward them? You do. And that makes u a clear hypocrite. And this is the stuff u teach your daughter. To completely behave toward people in ways condemned by the Bible. U know Im right.Think about it.

    1. I'm just glad that your daughter has someone to model "kindness" for her, because you sure don't. You're a sick, pathetic loser. You'll never amount to anything. Sad. Sad. Sad.

  58. I'm just sad that you have to be so on your guard all the time. I would wish you a week of peace and belly laughs.
    I am often in a wheelchair because I have had Crohn's Disease for over thirty years and I have hardly any bowel left which probably grosses you out, lol, but I am very, very thin 32/22/31 because I can't process food without a bowel. This makes me too weak to walk far to the shops, so when I need a handicapped spot it irks me a little to see healthy people using them.
    When I'm feeling a little better, I don't use the handicapped spots even though I have a ticket because I can walk that day and I know someone will be having a bad day. Also when I'm feeling better I volunteer at the homeless soup kitchens because you'll never get a better laugh, or feel better about your lot in life than when you're mucking in with everyone.
    I admire the fact that you say what you mean but I don't think you totally mean what you say, and there's a sad wee girl in there somewhere. I just want to hug a smile into her face. I wish you well, dear.
    Lady Isobel Seymour

  59. Focus on being a better person and stop being so condescending and nasty to everyone you see. Being a bully may have been "fun" when you were five years old. But it's plain sad and pathetic seeing you the same damn thing right now. You never grew or evolved into adulthood and it appears you probably never will which is a tragedy.

  60. Oh you poor, pathetic, pitiful child!

  61. Wow what an ugly bish inside and out. Disgusting attitude, and clearly have learned nothing from Dr Phil show. I sincerely hope someone bullies your kid.
